Thursday, April 30, 2009

5Things Men Really Find Romantic ( 5)

Show Interest in His Outside Life
We live in a fast-paced world, and we all know it's easy enough to get wrapped up in our own routines. But finding ways to let a man know you care about all aspects of his life, not just the parts he shares with you, is a great way to show you love the whole man. Shoot him a few well-directed questions about work to help him unwind, surprise him with a book relating to a hobby, track down a website that deals with some problem he's having -- all are touching gestures I guarantee will be well received.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Is it possible for a guy to be too nice?

Here are two ways that this could ring true:
1: He's So Nice, He Can Only Be a Friend
Hey, a good friend is hard to find. What sometimes happens when we get into a relationship? It eventually runs its course and ends, which means awkwardness and/or change in both of you, since you started off as friends. Maybe you can recover and remain buddies, but is it worth the risk if you find that you're really good friends with a nice guy? Also, sometimes the nice guy just has no edge, so he's destined to be just a friend.
2: He's So Nice, He's Not Challenging Enough
I've recently learned from your comments: Women enjoy the thrill of the chase a bit too much. People like to wonder what's going to happen, that nerve-racking first few months when the "training wheels" are still on the relationship. And, no matter how much we try to deny it, we do like that we've won someone over instead of just having them give themselves up to us. If a guy is too easy, he may be ruining his chances.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

5 Things Men Really Find Romantic(4)

Tell Him a Secret
Men want to be soul mates, too. Telling him a secret -- symbolically letting him deeper inside you -- demonstrates total trust in him and faith in your relationship. Because you're making yourself vulnerable, it's an incredible bonding experience. What works just as well: Encourage him to tell you a secret or two. And don't laugh.
Show Interest in His Outside Life
We live in a fast-paced world, and we all know it's easy enough to get wrapped up in our own routines. But finding ways to let a man know you care about all aspects of his life, not just the parts he shares with you, is a great way to show you love the whole man. Shoot him a few well-directed questions about work to help him unwind, surprise him with a book relating to a hobby, track down a website that deals with some problem he's having -- all are touching gestures I guarantee will be well received.

Monday, April 27, 2009

my best experience in the first year of college

Today i talked with the dean of the acdamic advesing department. I forgot her name, should be Mureen or something. She wants to do a reserch about the difference between american students and foreign students. She interviewed another guy and me, and we was about to talk this: my best experience in first year of college. I do like the first year at occ, even though i don't really like the two-year college as i said before because the two-year college is so different from 4-year college. Two-year college isn't so diversity like 4 year college is and it doesn't have some acdamic feelings. But anyway, i've experienced a lot of good things here. The very important thing is that i get a lot of different information from different classes. That makes me more knowlegous especially english class, even though it's a little hard for me, i really enjoy it. It gives me a lot of fun and some new ideas that i never had before, and that opened my mind. Another thing is that i'm really thankful to my english tutor, and she helps a lot. The whole year, when I have writing assignment we work on it, if i don't have one, we just talk and do some vocabulary practic and oral. I'm more confident.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

5 Things Men Really Find Romantic(3)

Tell Him What a Big, Strong Guy He Is
We men are famously incompetent at expressing ourselves verbally... but that doesn't mean we don't appreciate hearing a little praise now and then. In particular, we draw a lot of our identity from our maleness. Nurturing our big-ape fantasies -- me Tarzan, you Jane -- lets us know you value us as males, which is somehow important to the continued production of testosterone.
A quick insight into men: We all want to be heroes. Remembering to compliment your mate on being a great partner isn't always easy in the middle of a busy day, but it's a quick shortcut to making him feel wanted, needed, and loved, which is of course the ultimate point of any romantic gesture. And this positive reinforcement of your mate's good behavior will yield big dividends later, as he subconsciously tries to live up to your glowing appraisal.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

5 Things Men Really Find Romantic(2)

Initiate Physical Affection
Whether you're playing footsie under the table or placing a hand on our shoulders while scooting behind our chairs, men find the touch of the woman they love unbelievably reassuring. In our treasured nonverbal language, it translates as: "I accept you... I love you... We're a team."
#3. Give Him a Night Out with the Boys -- No Strings Attached
It may seem odd to you that a romantic gesture might not involve you at all. But dogs run with dogs, wolves run with wolves, and every so often, guys just have to break away and run with the guys (drooling and howling optional).

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

5 Things Men Really Find Romantic (1)

Dress Up for Him
"Consider dressing for his tastes and not just yours once in a while," says Barbara De Angelis, Ph.D., author of "Secrets About Men Every Woman Should Know." "Take him shopping and have him choose outfits he would like to see you in."
Remember, you're doing this for him, not for you. And, as psychologist Ronald Goldstein, Ph.D., a marriage counselor in Newtown, Pennsylvania, explains: "Women should keep in mind that men are visually oriented." Trust me, men find it very romantic when you step wholeheartedly into our debauched little fantasy worlds. If we're hard-wired to be turned on by visual cues, why not indulge us -- and use it to your advantage?

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The First Two Biggest Dating Mistakes Women Make( related to research paper)

1: They go on too many unproductive dates. "If you know how to date, and you're meeting losers, get off the market and go into dating detox. Clean your energy up so those people don't ask you out anymore. The problem is we women are very impatient. We want it now. Instant gratification! Sometimes the best single men are worth waiting for. You might get one good date a year, versus 100 bad ones, but he's worth it."
2: They go out with their girlfriends in the hopes of meeting guys. "When you're with your girlfriends, you're not approachable. They're scared. Single men are very timid. I have this theory: Women who travel in packs do not attract. Men who are quality aren't going to go in there and ask you out while your girlfriends are standing right there -- he could get shot down. So it's a really good idea, at about 4 or 4:30 P.M., to go to the bar: Sit at the bar, have a drink, get an hors d'oeuvre, read a mutual-gender book like "The Da Vinci Code," know the score on TV, and pretend you're busy. You're reading a book, you're eating an hors d'oeuvre, you're meeting a friend -- and then you're more approachable because you're by yourself."

Monday, April 20, 2009


Without blooming roses, without shining diamond rings but those real and naive feelings make up the very first romantic love stories in college. It’s enough that each love starts with a beautiful beginning. As for whether it will come to an end, I feel it unnecessary to think too much. Love out of campus doesn’t always have a happy ending. We don't know what will exactly happen? Therefore, when love comes, we should enjoy the pleasure of loving without worrying about anything else at all. If we do so, even when love comes to an end, we could also taste its grief of parting. Tears taste sweet as long as you love your life.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

sunk costs

In economics and business decision-making, sunk costs are costs that cannot be recovered once they have been incurred. Sunk costs are sometimes contrasted with variable costs, which are the costs that will change due to the proposed course of action, and prospective costs which are costs that will be incurred if an action is taken. In microeconomic theory, only variable costs are relevant to a decision. Economics proposes that a rational actor does not let sunk costs influence one's decisions, because doing so would not be assessing a decision exclusively on its own merits. The decision-maker may make rational decisions according to their own incentives; these incentives may dictate different decisions than would be dictated by efficiency or profitability, and this is considered an incentive problem and distinct from a sunk cost problem. In decision making one should also consider fixed proportion of the sunk costs. Lets take an example of a market which has a free entry. There are several firms in the market operating profitably, but if high proprotions of sunk cost in this market are fixed costs then others firms would hesitate to enter into that market while on the other hand if very low proportion of sunk cost are fixed costs for the same market, firms would love to enter into that market.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

essay in text book

I don't really like this text book, I don't know why maybe just because there are too many strange words to me those I never seen in my life. But there indeed are many interesting essays there. When I read it, I feel I really open my eyes. But no matter how I like this book, there are still have some articles those I don't like it. For instance, the essay" On immortality", the whold eassy talk about the longevity. How the author doesn't like the longevity or many study prove longevity is not good or blah, blah, blah...They call on the live should be heathy and quality. Yea, I agree. But some people they do like to live long, why those guys try to prove longeivity is not right? Each person has his own understanding of life, and everyone has different choice. We might not change other's mind, and we just do ourselves.

Friday, April 10, 2009

High school teacher

She is my high school teacher. She is the teacher who taught me politics and made me unhappy everyday. At the beginning,she was my hated one teacher. But later, she became the one who compacted on me a lot in my life. I started to love her after I graduated from high school. now she passed away. As I known, her daughter has already been in middle-school.
I wanted to talk about why I hated her. Well, now I know I shouldn't really hate her, what she did shows us she love us very much and she wanted to give us everything she had. But she is a very emotinal person, she always got angry in class "without "any reason. yes, when I was at that age, I really thought she got angry without any reason. And she always controls us for everything such as, homework, go to class on time, don't talk in class, don't eat, no laughing, no talking, keep quiet, and so on.
When we graduated from school, we had a very geogerce graduation ceremony. Teachers and students talk to each other with the whole heart. Then we understand each other very well, but we on earth would leave. she said many many words in class, but she lead me to forward in a word" being a person with good attitude, and hard working carefully" If I could, I really wanted to say" Thank you" to my teacher.

Monday, April 6, 2009

My favorite subject

my favorite subject is math. I can say i'm really good at math.When i was young, someone told me math is really really beautiful. But at that time, I couldn't understand very well. Later, when I got to the college, I found I really really love it. The amazing thing is that I found the world actually is make up with all kinds of mathematic models. The models combine radomly and build up beautiful houses, cars, even women. When language so often proves in vain, you will find out how beautiful and supernatural the Math Models are. But it's a shame that I didn't choice math as my major, not because I don't love it just because I don't want to work on it and break it's aesthetic quality

Saturday, April 4, 2009

first day

my friend sent me a gift, Billy Collins newest peotry anthology.
i really love it and read many the whole day. this is my favorite one:

What love does

A fine thing, or so it sounds
on the radio in the summer
with all the windows rolled down

Yet it pierces not only the heart
but the eyeball and the scrotum
and the little target of the nipple with arrows

It turns everything into a symbol
like a storm that breaks loose
in the final chapter of a long novel

And it may add sparkle to a morning
or deepen a night
when the bed is ringed with fire

It teaches you new joys
and new maneuvers--
the takedown, the reversal,the escape

But mostly it comes and goes
a bee visiting the center
of one flower, then another

Even as the ink is drying
on her name, it is off
to visit someone in another city

a city with two steeples
rows of brick chimney pots
and a school with a tree-lined entrance

It will travel through the night to get there
and it will arrival like an archangel
through an iron gate no one ever seemed to notice before.

Friday, April 3, 2009

impression management

Impression management theory
Impression management (IM) theory states that any individual or organization must establish and maintain impressions that are congruent with the perceptions they want to convey to their publics. From both a communications and public relations viewpoint, the theory of impression management encompasses the vital ways in which one establishes and communicates this congruence between personal or organizational goals and their intended actions which create public perception.
The idea that perception is reality is the basis for this sociological and social psychology theory[citation needed], which is framed around the presumption that the other’s perceptions of you or your organization become the reality from which they form ideas and the basis for intended behaviors.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


I never cheat in my life. That doesn't mean I really think that's guilty. I just don't like it and I trust myself, that's all. BUT to the people who cheat, I think there are some reasons:
First of all, I guess they just didn't study hard and prepare very well for the tests, and also they want to have a good grade.
Secondly, they may just don't know what to do and very bored about their study
finally, they may just like me who don't think cheating is Really bad, they may just think that cheating isn't a big problem.
But I still want to say cheating shouldn't be allowed coz it will lead to big guilt in the future

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Introduction to Poetry----by Billy Collins

I ask them to take a poem
and hold it up to the light
like a color slide

or press an ear against its hive.

I say drop a mouse into a poem
and watch him probe his way out,

or walk inside the poem's roon
and feel the walls for a light switch.

I want them to waterski
across the surface of a poem
waving at the author's name on the shore.

But all they want to do
is tie the poem to a chair with rope
and torture a confession out of it.

They begin beating it with a hose
to find out what it reallly means.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Spring Break

The Spring break is coming. I'm planning for it all the time. I want to go many places, such as the yellow stone national park, LA, and even I want to go to Toyko for shopping. But i still must do a lot of things at home. So I can't go anywhere i want. That is so bad. If i could, i would go to see all my friends who are in different states. we would hang out to sing songs, have parties, travel together, and drink beers. I would go to the beach to walk dog and dig a hole with my dog and i guess i might have a tem there. also i need study to catch up my classes. Big test will come after the break, i'm afriad of getting bad on that class.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Cooking---tomato sauce cold noodles

The concrete method is that:
1, boil 1/2 pot water , put some salt in the water, and put the noodle in the boiling water for 6 minutes, then take them out, drop off the water and put the noodles in cold water.
2, use another pot, boil some oil and then put in some tomato. cook the tomato a little bit and then put some sugar, salt,and chicken powder.
3, slice the green onion, beef and cucumber.
4, take out the noodles, put in the plate, put the tomato sause on the top and put the onion beef and cucumber on.
5, at last, clean the dishes.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

first year in college

Yes, I don't feel very comfortable in this college but that's not because of first year attending. Actually, I was enrolled in university three years ago in my country, at that time my major was mass communication. I was junior in the university before I moved to the US. We spent some time to practice English in classes, such as listening , speaking, and writing. But that kind of classes cannot be transferred to Ameican universities or colleges and also I changed my major to Accounting when I got to the US. So what I want to say is that I had to restart my college life. That sucks.I didn't take TOEFL test, so I went to OCC a school that is esay enroll in and very close to my house. At here, I need plan my tranferring to my future. But I still remember when I went to univeristy after I graduated from high school three years ago, I felt I was like a runaway horse. I went to a strange city alone where everything to me was strange and fresh. Different people, different accents and different culture. The first day of the univerisity starting, I left out of the hotel with my suitcases and went to the campuse to check in. I met bunch of people I don't know that made me a little nervous, just a little bit. Later we had two-week
military training, during those days I made a lot of friends. Maybe everyone felt lonely coz we all went to the university alone and we were all far away from home.
Now I get used to college life but ill relative...

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

collective pratice essay in class

I really like reading. It should be very interesting thing when we read. We can know a lot about the world from books if we don't have chance to experience. But it's so hard to me reading this text book. There are a lot of new words to me, and I almost look up dictionary for each word. I hate that. Yes, maybe it's a good idea that we will spend more time in collective practice essay in class. Then everything will be easier. We can talk any topic that students are interested in, such as college life, sports, music, or whatever...

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Billy Collins, Poet

Billy Collins was born in New York City in 1941. He is the author of several books of poetry, including Ballistics (2008), She Was Just Seventeen (2006), The Trouble with Poetry (2005); Nine Horses (2002); Sailing Alone Around the Room: New and Selected Poems (2001); Picnic, Lightning (1998); The Art of Drowning (1995), which was a finalist for the Lenore Marshall Poetry Prize:Questions About Angels (1991), which was selected by Edward Hirsch for the National Poetry Series; The Apple That Astonished Paris (1988); Video Poems (1980); and Pokerface (1977).
In 2001, Collins was named U.S. Poet Laureate. His other honors and awards include fellowships from the New York Foundation for the Arts, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the Guggenheim Foundation. In 1992, he was chosen by the New York Public Library to serve as "Literary Lion". He has conducted summer poetry workshops in Ireland at University College Galway, and taught at Columbia University, Sarah Lawrence, and Lehman College, City University of New York. He lives in Somers, New York.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Homework assignment

Today when the professor of english class asked us who finished reading the articles that she left us homework, only one person did. Then the teacher put us into three groups and disscussed different topics in class. I know as college students, we have to be responsible for ourselves. We need to do something without others reminding, such as finishing homework, attendent on time, and prepare for tests. But in fact, we didn't do homework because of some more important things. For instance, I was preparing for mid-term tests on the last whole weekends. I do care my average of GPA, so I mean I have to balance my courses. I don't mean I'm going to ignore english class, I just want to save time to handle other tests. After I finish the important mid-term tests, i will spend more time on the class that i ignored before, i mean english class. So i hope our english professor don't be disappointed to us, just give us time.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Los Pelados

Los Pelados is a four piece band from Stockholm, Sweden, with a hard, but melodious sound. Their influences range from such diverse sources as 21st century alternative rock, 1970’s punk rock, and 1950’s rock’n’roll.Los Pelados has been around since 2000, and has recorded four self produced singles. The band has played at a range of different events and at various venues, including the Hard Rock Café Stockholm, always with a rousing response from the audience.The four band members have strong and unique personalities, which bring about a very fruitful atmosphere for musical creativity. Simple lyrics with straight forward messages about broken hearts, teenage romantics, and rock’n’roll life styles, in combination with a melodic sound makes the music stay in the listeners conscience for a long time.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

suggestions for english class

Every time when we are in class, we just talk about the book and analyze the articles. But I do think we need spend more time on develop the structure and grammar. We can learn the authoer's ideas in the articles and know the process how they develop their essays. But I think every eassay should have it's fixed model, and if we can master the fixed model we will do great. For example, when we argue with something, is that comparison better than contrast? What else we can use in our arguements? if the more special and nice words we use, the higher the grade will be? I hope we can have a fixed model, it will be easier to write an essay. If there is a fixed model, then each essay would be kind of same, so it will be easier to develop another one. just like crossword. Put the words and ideas in the fixed model. I don't know, maybe it's not good but that's what i want

Friday, March 20, 2009

When I am sick

When I get cold, I usually have some traditional medicine. It's a real fast and useful way to drive away the cold bacteria. The method is: pick one piece of fresh ginger, one or two table spones brown sugar, and some dates...cut the ginger into pieces and put them into boiling water, then put in the brown sugar and dates. Cover the pot and wait water boil again and again. It may take more than half an hour. This ginger tea is a little spicy, but had better drink it when it's hot. Never let it cold down. The ginger can help one to drive off the cold gas in body and keep one warm. Additional, it's still good for women before the masturation period comes. It can stop pain during that period.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Hungry Girl

This is a photograph called " Hungry Girl", and it was filmed by South African photographer Calvin Carter. It must be very familiar .The Photo was shoot in 1993 in Sudan. At that time, Sudan was suffering from the violence and the famine. When Calvin Carter got on the Sudanese territory, he could not believe his eyes. The he sat in the bushes and wanted to calm down, but he saw something more surprised. A little skinny girl from Sudan was looking for food on the ground. A malicious vultures was behind her and waited to eat her. Calvin Carter thought the little girl died, but he suddenly heard her weak cries. Calvin carter immediately adjusted the camera and pressed the shutter, and then drove away the vultures. After that, he was sitting under the tree, smoking, praying to god.
Later, he got the Pulitzer close-up of news photography and reputation because of this picture. However, Many people accused him and thought life is more important than news value. In the past three months, he finished his 33 years old life...

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Wearing of the Green Goes Global

Today, St. Patrick's Day is celebrated by people of all backgrounds in the United States, Canada, and Australia. Although North America is home to the largest productions, St. Patrick's Day has been celebrated in other locations far from Ireland, including Japan, Singapore, and Russia.
In modern-day Ireland, St. Patrick's Day has traditionally been a religious occasion. In fact, up until the 1970s, Irish laws mandated that pubs be closed on March 17. Beginning in 1995, however, the Irish government began a national campaign to use St. Patrick's Day as an opportunity to drive tourism and showcase Ireland to the rest of the world. Last year, close to one million people took part in Ireland 's St. Patrick's Festival in Dublin, a multi-day celebration featuring parades, concerts, outdoor theater productions, and fireworks shows.


Monday, March 16, 2009

Mottos from Harvard (University)

This is the liabrary at 4 a.m. in the morning.

1.You'll have a dream if you have a nap now, but your dream will never come true unless you study now.
2.Today I get through with nothing done is just the tomorrow the men who dead yesterday eager for.

3. The second you think it's so late is the fastest moment.
4. Never put things you can deal just now to tomorrow.
5.Time the study pain is temporary, has not learned the pain islife-long.
6.Study hard as a dog and you'll be the next luckydog.

7.Academic certificate is dollar.
8.Nobody can casually succeed, it comes from the thoroughself-control and the will.
9.Please enjoy the pain which is unable to avoid.
10.Only has compared to the others early, diligently diligently, canfeel the successful taste.
11.Nobody can casually succeed
12.Time is passing.
13.The saliva you dribble today becomes your tears tomorrow.

Friday, March 13, 2009

dictation by VOA--my english learning

Venezuela's Baduel Upbeat about Political Future

Mr. Chavez's former defense minister, General Raul Baduel, emerged as a chief critic of the plan. He told VOA in an exclusive interview the reforms amounted to a coup d'etat aimed at broadening the president's powers.
Baduel says the voters' rejection of the proposed changes has opened up a prospect of a better political future for everyone in Venezuela.
Mr. Chavez's proposed constitution would have abolished the Central Bank's independence and created new forms of community-owned property.
The reforms also would have allowed Mr. Chavez to seek re-election indefinitely.
Baduel says he believes a diversity of ideas is important in sustaining Venezuela's democracy. He says the constitution should shorten the current six-year presidential term. That, he says, would go a long way to helping to promote the diversity of ideas.
The left-leaning former military commander also said the government must act to deal with Venezuela's growing poverty.
He says the Venezuelan government must now move to improve the living standards, especially for the country's poorest. He said those living in misery should be helped as soon as possible.
Analysts say Venezuela's economy has been deteriorating and there are growing shortages of basic food supplies such as meat, milk and sugar. Economists blame the shortages on government price controls that do not allow producers and marketers to make a profit.
Earlier this year, Mr. Chavez responded by saying he would nationalize private supermarkets and food storage facilities caught violating price controls.
General Baduel had been one of Mr. Chavez's closest allies after helping to reinstall him in office during a brief coup in 2002.

Sean Maroney, VOA News, Washington.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Upcoming Spring Break

I'm really looking forward to the upcoming spring break. I haven't felt good for a long time and I think I really need some time to relax the pressure. Due to the traditional chinese medicine theory, I know I'm getting internal heat right now because of some clinical symptoms. I have colds and influenza, headache, dry throat. I guess there must be a big fire in my body that makes me feel so bad. I do need the spring break and peace myself and reschedule something. I don't know what i will do in the spring break, maybe i will travel somewhere with my parents or just get enough sleep everyday...I really don't know, but I do need the ten days. That is very important to me, otherwise I will die soon..:grin: If I have a choice, I wanna go to the yellow stone. I heard that it's a very beautiful state park, and I wanna go there to satisfy my curiosity

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Zippo was founded in Bradford, Pennsylvania in 1932 when George G. Blaisdell decided to create a lighter that would look good and be easy to use. Blaisdell obtained the rights for an Austrian windproof lighter with a removable top, and re-designed it to his own requirements. He made the case rectangular and attached the lid to the bottom with a welded hinge, and surrounded the wick with a windhood. Fascinated by another recent invention, the zipper, Blaisdell called his new lighter "Zippo", and backed it with a Lifetime Guarantee.
Today Zippo has produced over 325 million windproof lighters since its founding in 1932. Except for improvements in the flint wheel and modifications in case finishes, Blaisdell's original design remains virtually unchanged today. The Lifetime Guarantee that accompanies every Zippo metal product still guarantees that "It works or we fix it free".

Monday, March 9, 2009

Women and high heels

A woman will wear high heels over 51 years of her life, according to a study which links stilettos to the female psyche. The average woman puts on her first pairs at 12 and takes off her last at 63, when comfort begins to take precedence. She will start with a low one-inch heel and build up to a towering five inches by the age of 23, as she teerters into womanhood.
There will be a small dip in the early 30s, when many women are running after young children. But the first real drop does not occur until the late 40s and early 50s, when the average heel falls to just under two inches.Only old age and increasing frailty finally brings the enduring love affair to a reluctant end, sales figure show.Said Debenhams spokesman Ed Watson: 'Deciding to put away their high heels for the last time can have the same psychological impact upon women that retiring from work has upon men.'It's an all too public admission that they are getting older, and so naturally many women want to postpone this evil day for as long as possible.
A woman's entire life can be mapped out according to the height of the heel she wears. After a meteoric rise, through youth and early adulthood, they begin to settle down before dropping back gracefully to a comfortable old age.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Reading is good

I do think reading is good. Sometimes we don't have chances to go all over the world, but we can know something from the books, such as,the geographical magazines or fashionable magazines. We can open our eyes and minds from some valuable books, and they can help us to reach perfection. I read everyday,maybe spend an hour or two hours. I read some articles from website to know the latest news and others' opinions about acdemics.While, I still need to read some literature to help my writting, but I don't have the mood right now. I feel everything is in my mind and all the stuffs are close to the deadline. That makes me stressful. But I'm going to read and impove to a good reader and writer...

Friday, March 6, 2009

Something is annoying me lately

If I must tell you what makes me annoyed, I will say English. That is true. One day I told my friend,who is a english literature doctor, I hate essays. She said,"oh, come on stop" I know she likes essays very much. But for me, those are crazy things. I was a good writer in Chinese, but I cannot express me very well in English. I hate that. Also, driving is annoying me a lot. Yes, I am a new driver and I'm usually crazy on the road. I don't have enough experiences of driving, that's why when I am changing my lane, I cannot tell if the car behind me let me go or not. The third thing that annoys me is that I met a swellhead in my club, and I can't stand him. I think the megalomaniac differs from the narcissist by the fact that he wishes to be powerful rather than charming, and seeks to be feared rather than loved. I mean you can think youself is smarter than any others, but just don't cut a wide swath like a jerk. That's really troublesome.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Math Contest

Today I just finished the AMATYC Math Contest. In sum, I felt it was ok but again the language problems bothered me a lot. I really have a brain of math but because of my bad language level, i didn't understand many questions. I only did eight problems that I thought I really known the formula of them. So far I haven't known if I did good of not, and I'm still a little nervous about it. Actually, I tried my best to do that. I cannot say i don't care the result because I am really attracted to the reward of the winner. Huh,I don't know...I hope I would win.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Childhood Demons

"To really understand someone, you need to uncover his past insecurities and fears," says Atwood. And there's no better way to shed light on his underlying issues than by finding out about those scary experiences at the most vulnerable time of his life - childhood. Ask him what day he wishes he could redo, the biggest misconception people had about him as a teenager, or who scared him the most. "If he says he was criticized constantly by a particular teacher, it may explain why he's afraid of his superiors looking down on him," explains Shoshanna. "Or perhaps a sibling was favored over him growing up, which might reveal why he feels possessive or competitive in close relationships."

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Sattva——from Yoga Sutra

The word sattva comes from the root sat, which means "being" or "truth." It's literally the power of beingness, the inner integrity that let the Buddha sit under the bodhi tree until he became enlightened, the power that supported Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr., the power that you feel in cathedrals and redwood forests and in people who quietly offer help to those who need it. Sattvic strength is one part discipline and three parts trust—trust that the invisible is stronger than what you can see or touch, and that what you are speaks louder than what you say.

Monday, March 2, 2009

be dead, and to raise from the dead.

My favorite flower is Hyacinth..
The meaning of Hyacinth are:

Pink Hyacinth——Admire and romantic
Purple Hyacinth——Blue
Yellow Hyacinth——I'm happy with you
Red Hyacinth——Give me a touch
White Hyacinth——Be afraid to approach

In early march, it's the right season that hyacinth bloom. There is a Greek myths about hyacinth, the Sun God Apollo fell in love with Fayed XinSi that made Western God Sophie zephyr very envy. So he demoted them as Hyacinth.From then on, Hyacinth became the pledge of love in lovers. The meaning of Hyacinth is "comfirm and forcus on" Maybe this is the constant definition of love.
Many people have fond memories of the pain past, but if one wants to get ready for new experiences, one has to come out from the past. Just like Hyacinth, when Hyacinth wither away, you have to cut the withered parts and let them raise again.
" Be dead, and to raise from the dead."This is the revelation that I see from the growth rhythm of Hyacinth!

Friday, February 27, 2009

AMATYC Student Mathematics League

I have some test questions from last semester of the AMATYC Student Mathematics League.
it totally has 20 questions. I did some but still feel confused by some questions.
one is :
The equation a^6+b^2+c^2=2009 has a solution in positive integers a, b, and c in which exactly two of a,b, and c are powers of 2. Find a+b+c.
The choicesfor this one is:
A.43. B.45. C.47 D. 49 E.51.
And another one is :
For all integers k>=0,P(k)=(2^2+2^1+1)(2^2-2^1+1)(2^4-2^2+1)...( 2^2^k+1-2^2^k+1)-1 is always the product of two integers n and n+1. Find the smallest value of k for which n+(n+1)>=10^1000
The choices for this one is:
A.9 B. 10 C.11 D.12 E.13

I really worked on these two hard, but I still feel very awkward to them...

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Elementary Education

When I worked at OCC bookstore, I found that many many students came to buy textbooks for elementary algebra, the very basic class. I saw the OCC website, it says this kind of class is non-credit class and it's developing education like English 091 and 095. I don't why in America, the elementary subjects are so weak. May be people cared more about bringing up their personality when they were young. My friends, who are in Master degree at Yale University, told me that when they did the teacher assistants for physics and chemistry, they found a lot of sophomore students cannot do well in the basic classes. A few days ago, I saw the viking news that said this campus really need math assistant in classroom or peer tutor to help students pass the math elementary classes easily. I really worry about American's elementary Education. The only advantage is that people could open their mind really well.Many people say American students have the most ideas. Yes, I agree. I find in my english class, students can tosse around a number of ideas. That's very good. There is a example, one girl who was from HongKong, she said one day I didn't pay attention what professor said in class, so when the professor let her answer the question, she had to make up even she didn't know what she were talking about. After she was done, the professor said" good,very good,even though I don't know what you are saying..." Laugh...I mean it's good because professor give students more respect or encourage, but i do think in searching after truth,a scientific skepticism must be maintained

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

An internet fan.

Why I like to get on the internet, I think that's because it can compensate dissatisfaction with life besides looking for help and entertainment. There is a ghost in my heart,but this ghost is kept inside deeply and others cannot find it easily. Perhaps sometimes the real life is so boring and I'm not doing well and blah,blah,blah...Anyway,I can not only strike a balance between real life and and inside, but also find my Self in networking . In ordinary living, people always disguise themselves so hard, but in the subjunctive Cyberworld, we can unchain our hearts and get the rest of the spleen out of our system. I am the lord. I'm an omnipotent lord.I enjoy myself on my zone. I don't like TV a lot because TV is in reality rendering based on expanded 300% of real life. Maybe usually I am ignored too much, so someone can easily move me whenever he greets me from somewhere too far. Even though get simply cannot again simple greeting, it still move me.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Different colour repersents different mood.
Joy comes from deep within and we all need joy-the orange energy helps bring out this joy. The orange colour has the love from the red and the wisdom from yellow. It helps expand one's horizen and create new ideas. If our spleen chakra is in balance we are able to enjoy our existance-take life as it is without asking for more than we can handle. Children always have fine orange energy. They have the ability to enjoy themselves spontaneously and enjoy their play. If you have too much red in your orange, this may make you angry and inconsiderate. Too much yellow in your orange may make you querulous and impossible to live with. You may have a nervous stomach if you cannot control your feelings. But if there is an excess of orange, one is easily affected by what other people feel or mean. One forget to be oneself in a wish to satisfy other people.


Monday, February 23, 2009

my faovrite quotation

1. The measure of a man's real character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out, Thomas bolington Macaulay, British historian.

It is a mistake to took too far ahead, Only one link in the chain of destiny can be handled at a time. Winston Churchill.
Education commences at the mother's knee, and every word spoken within the hearsay of children tends towards the formation of character. ( Hosea Ballou British cducator)

And my favorite quotation is:

Time is a great judge, even in the fields of morals. ( H.L Mencken, American arts artic)

Sunday, February 22, 2009

notes for biology

Cells convert nutrient molecules to a usable form, ATP. Energy conversions can occur in the cytoplasm or in specialized organelles. mitochondria: site of oxidative phosphorylation, where the cell makes most of its ATP. Anabolism: simpler substances are combined to form more complex substances. Amino acids assembled into protein. required for growth, development,repair and energy storage. Catabolism: complex substances broken down to form simplex substances starch to glucose. Energy release; Digestion. Cells use redox reactions to extract E from nutrients. Oxidation-reduction reactions: the transfer of electrons from are molecule to another. aerobic respiration: cells require oxygen to complete chemical reactions. anaerobic respiration: cells do not require oxygen to complete chemical reactions.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

About Gato Barbieri

Born to a family of musicians, Barbieri began playing music after hearing Charlie Parker 's "Now's the Time." He played the clarinet,then the alto saxophone while performing with the Argentine pianist Lalo Staffroom in the late 1950s. By the early 1960s, while inRome, he was playing the tenor saxophone, and also worked with the trumpeter Don Cherry. By now influenced by John Coltrane's late recordings, as well as those from other ' Free jazz'' saxophonists such as Albert Ayler and Pharoah Sanders, the warm and gritty tone, which would become his trademark sound, began to develop. In the late 1960s, he was fusing musics from South America into his playing and contributed to multi-artist projects like C harlie Haden's Liberation Music Orchestra and Carla Bley's Escalator Over The Hill . His score for Bernardo Bertolucci's film Last Tango in Paris earned him a Grammy Award and led to a record deal with Impulse! Records.

By the late 1970s he was working for A&M Records and moved his music towards jazz-pop with albums like Caliente (with his best known song, Carlos Santana's Europa).

Though he continued to record and perform into the 1980s, the death of his wife Michelle led him to withdraw from the public arena. He returned to recording and performing in the late 1990s, playing music that would fall into the arena of smooth jazz.

Nancy Savoca and her husband, Rich Guay, are working on a documentary of Barbieri's life and work.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Learning English

today I learnt some combining forms:

Combining Forms Meanings
anni, annu, enni year
aut, auto self
bi two
bio life
graph someting written;machine
graphy writing;drawing;writing in or on a specified subject or field;
logy,ology the study of; the science of
ped, pod foot

Notes: a. bimonthly. Occurring once every two months;occurring twice a month. The theater group decided to stop giving bimonthly plays because two months did not give them enough time to rehearse.
b. Occurring once every two weeks;occurring twice a week. The biweekly newspaper is very large because it comes out only every two weeks.

I'm really interested doing this that seperate complex words and give the easerier way...

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

the pursuit of happyness————my faviorite movie

"How many roads must a man walk down,Before you call him a man?" The answer is NOT blowin' in the wind. The answer is just in the film "The Pursuit of Happyness".It is based on a true story of famous self-made millionaire Chris Gardner. Will Smith acted as Chris and did a fantastic job which really moved and inspired me. The story is touching and sometimes even painful. To say "I laughed, I cried" would be really lame. It is the truth, though.I recommend this film as a must see to everyone especially those who are struggling for families and happiness.I have been a fan of Will Smith for years and I have to say this may be his best film yet! "The Pursuit of Happiness" is just a wonderful (based on a true) story, full of adventure, hope, and pain.
Movies have beautiful actress with neither fancy clip nor exciting soundtrack...
But there is a good story that let me sit at the computer watch.

Inspiring stories about the theme of this model is -- -- -- -
In distress situation hard struggle of endless damned thing then appeared a chance...
Finally welcomed a dawn
This new film demanding exceptionally is of no significance
We will strive for the ultimate success but who encouraged
Just because we own hard to persist...
To carry more than 40 pounds of medical instrument selling running around
To always miss her 5-year-old son when his wife left home
Not all contributed to pay "practice" 4 months even not sure whether oneself can be employed
Have no obligation to pay the rent because of the white wall
At the police station to stay but no money into automobile ticket
By car to cast a shoe immediately after running up to go back to work
To embrace a son in the toilet overnight because nowhere to go
To get down from the queue for shelter. Into
After much "to"
Chris eventually get jobs in the moment was be great happiness
Chris beginning in film of lost in the street in every smiling face blankly stood
"Why does everyone happy, but I can't?".
Notice when Chris through trial for himself again came when you want happiness that involves applause to pursue
Happiness is forced out
People also

Monday, February 16, 2009

What are the essential characteristics of a good parent?

Thanks to professor Lauro for providing me the list of topic choice. When I run my eyes over the list, I found this topic"what are the essential characteristics of a good parent?" Actually, I do want to talk about it because one of my friend,Clark, is suffering from a very innormal family..grin...So let me talk about what's the best parents in my heart. I don't really like that parents who always control their children's brain and behavior. In children's world, they have something they think right. I think that children have the thing that oneself likes, just like you let children darw the sun, he may put the sun painted rectangular.It is because he has not formed in the consciousness of the sun's entity. Many things are been experienced gradually.I believe that after the child grows up, and he will know something hanging in the sky at daytime is the sun. At this time, if you let him draw the sun, he absolutely paints the sun in round. So I think good parents should follow children's interest and don't control them or tell them what's wrong or what's right. Good parents should encourage children to do much eough by themselves and let them figure out the best way. Actually, there is no wrong or right in the world, it's only easy way and hard way or it's stupid way or smart way.

Friday, February 13, 2009

my most fun from my English writing

This semester is my second semester as a full time student. Last semester, I took English 095 that gave me a lot of trouble at the beginning. I had many language problem even now, so writing assginment to me is really hard. I was afraid when every assginment came. But even though I hate it, I got most fun in my last paper. The last paper was a kind of primary reserach paper, and we spent half a month preparing that. Also, we debated in class that's my first debate since I came to America. The teacher put us into groups and let us work together and figure out who was the points of our topics. I did really like it. I still remember our topic is "Whose's policy is better on health care, Obama or Maccain?" I searched the internet and found a lot of relative articles. Then I wrote outlines and opening remarks and closing remarks. I really enjoyed it and I love to work with other people. I did try my best to do it and eventually the teacher gave me A-. Even though I felt so depressed at the beginning, it still deserved. I'm proud of it.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

something I don't get

I've missed a lot of things so far. One example, I'm really interested with playing the violin. When I was six, my parents hired a teacher teaching me playing the violin. At that time,I was crazy about it. But my career of learning playing the violin was over when my parents divorced. I moved with my father and I definitely didn't see my violin teacher any more and I started my new life in another city. That's my best regret and I'm looking for a chance to restart it and continue my dream.
Aother thing is when I was in high school, I didn't get good grades in math subject because I was not interested with math. But I think I should do better because good grade can take me further, I mean may be I can go to a better university. I was so lazy when I was below 18 years old. Maybe it's not lazy but so young.
Lots of students dread English classes, yes, I'm one of them. Before I take the English class, many many people told me English class is the hardest class go get credits. I didn't believe it. But now I absolutely believe that. English class is so hard for me and it takes me a lot of time. I need read a lot and follow the rules of writing and bla bla bla...It's so hard. I mean actually I work hard but I don't know how to get A in English class. I won't feel relaxed freely until the end of this semester.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I'm mad

I don't know how to describe my mood now. Autually I'm not in mood talking about. I really value about the grades of all classes. I know I'm not a perfect person,but I do want to do the best I can. The biology test today made me crazy. I thought I had have already prepared for the test,but when I did the test everything mixed up. Almost all meaning of biology words I didn't know. Everything words looked like same. Biology is not the most difficult course and actually it's very interesting. But I don't know how to say, I'm still struggling with my language problem...I feel so bad today.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


What's my favorite thing? I've never thought about it. These years I've received a lot of gifts on birthday and christmas day, but I don't impress any. Oh, wait a minute...I open my mind. My friend Alex ever sent me a very special gift. That's a pair of shoes and you know what...My friend made them by hands and they are made of paper.
Those are really very special to me that I can remember clearly. When I opened the gift box, I I got freaked out. It was so beautiful that I couldn't believe. The most unbelieveable is that the shoes are the right size of me. The shoes are colored with white and a little bit sky blue. Also, there are some drawing on them and marked " princess". I love that so much.
I was so stupid when I moved to another place. I cleaned up the house and I thought the box was empty because the shoe are made of paper and they are no weight. I throw them away. I feel so sad now. ..

Monday, February 9, 2009

First point in English 151

Today I got the point 8 with my first in class essay. I feel so uncomfortable and I think I still have a long way to go on studying English. English to me is so different and it makes me crazy. I don't know if keeping jounal really can help me with writing, but I hope so. I want to insist on it and see the result.Tomorrow is accounting exam for chaper 11, and I may work to late tonight...May be some day I will go to see the advisor and talked with her about my majoy choice and the classes that I need to take.

Sunday, February 8, 2009


The weekends are going to the end in one hour. This weekends I feel very relax. I almost slept a whole day on Saturday that make me feel comfortable. Then I still have a lot of homework. From tomorrow, I will have three exams. One of my friends said," Students in American college are the most hardest." I believe so. Especially for me, It's harder and harder. But I like it and I really value the chance in the college. Today is Chinese Mid-autumn Festival that means it's the day people get together to celebrate the good harvest. I can't join them, it's a pity. Tomorrow English first eassy will be handed out and I look forward to my first grade. I hope it's not too bad...

Friday, February 6, 2009

never stop

Sometimes I talk with my friend about life. Even though we have different ideas, we all think life is full of sun light. I design a new English language study plan for myself. I find the most helpful TV show is Friends. It has I don't know how many seasons...from 1995-2008 I guess.
It may help me with listening and speaking because it's a flow-of-film. After I come back home, I always watch 1-2 episodes to enjoy life. Happiness and study can exist at the same time. Next week, I will have three exams. That is boring but I'm marching toward brightness and progress.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


valentine's day is coming. Today, I read some poetries of love.

   If you were a teardrop;In my eye,

  For fear of losing you,I would never cry

  And if the golden sun,Should cease to shine its light,

  Just one smile from you,Would make my whole world bright

I have searched a thousand years,And I have cried a thousand tears.I found everything I need,You are everything to me. Barry Fitzpatrick

  I just wish someday and somehow,We can be back together, Together we'll stay,Always and forever.

how do i say i love you? how do i tell you i care? how do i tell you i've missed you, and let you know i'm here?

  For years I had been searching,For that perfect fantasy, But, I find it in my arms, right now,You are all to me.

  you are my're my one and only dream.i love you,and to you that i mean.together for always, i hope we will be.i'll love you always. Alison Cunningham


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

something is in my heart

I really want to talk about my biology class today. I was very interested in biology when I was in high school, but I changed my biology class into history. Right now, I have another chance to continue biology knowledge that makes me very excited. But there is a problem, the words in biology book are unfamiliar to me. I read the book again and again but it's very hard to remember. This afternoon I came across a chinese math professor and we talked a little bit and discussed something about statistic. I'm still struggling with my first english in class essay.

Monday, February 2, 2009

sun shine

Today I sat in the libaray alone and the sun shone on me warmly. I opened my accounting book that made me very bored. I'm sure I don't really like numbers but I have to master it. These days I always go out for walking. I like spend a lot of time to think about my life.I feel I must change someting and creat a more meaningful life.I read the newspaper about Obama, I admire him very much. I really want to be a very outstanding person in the future.Yesterday I talked with my friend about the novel Lolita. I didn't know why a 13 years old girl could fall in love with an old man. But now I know, Loneliness can change a lot...

Sunday, February 1, 2009

chill out

Today I learned a new phrase "chill out" that means relax and enjoy and whatever makes people feel comfortable. My father told me that's a kind of slang and most black people like to use it. I didn't hang out these days because I have a lot tasks to do. I just talked to my friends through Internet and phone. When I was callingto my grandmother, they were celebrating chinese new year. Sounds great. Later I talked to my classmate, he tought a phrase" hang out" I didn't know that before. He said it's a very important phrase, I must know it. ..grin..I think my english will be better and better.

Friday, January 30, 2009

warm heart

My job at bookstore is done because the bookstore slows down. I'm very excited cause I have time to read more. I went to see my friend doctor Chirstine and talked about slang such as curse words or something else. During our conversation, a black boy came in and Chirstine introduce me to him. He was so sweet and told me a little bit. He said some people always say "one" to others when they wanna leave. I guess that word has the same meaning like " take care"or "see you later".He asked me if I went to new york. Absolutely not ...Then he picturing new york to me that makes me excited. Later, I talked with Chirstine what is " chatterbox" or "nosey"It was my first time to see these two words. Whatever my English is good enough or not, I'm improving step by step.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Such a raning day

Today the weather is so bad. I went to school around eight o'clock,but when I got there there is no one...Then I went back home. About eleven, I went to school again for my biology class. Today is the first class of biology, and the teacher gave us a lot of tasks..My god, so many...The class lasted almost three hours that made me very tired. These days I always help at bookstore, so I didn't have time to do homework. I have to go to bed late. Even though the biology is not easy to handle, it's very intersting anyway. I'm happy to know something about lives in the world.That is all^^

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

True life starts

I don't know how to decribe my thoughts today. I don't think I have enough confidence in my accounting class. Last semester, I got A in that class,but the teacher of this semester speaks so fast and it's hard to follow up. So I have to read again and again after class. I cannot relax. For me, college life is just like high school that makes me stressful. Although it's hard and busy everyday, I like it anyway. Whatever the result is, I just want to try my best to do everything.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Today is 26th

It's a pretty busy day for me.I got up six o'clock in the morning and my english class started from eight. After the english class, my math class begun. I was done about eleven and I went to work in the bookstore of the campus. A lot of students waited on a long, long,long line...I was just like a machine and pulling pulling pulling all the time. Around six, I went back home and it was my first time to drive at night because I just got license a week ago. I felt a little nervers. After I got home, immediately ate dinner and did homework. It's hard for me, but it's so rich^^

Friday, January 23, 2009

tomorrow is another day

Today I opened my first blog...happy~happy~^_^