Friday, January 30, 2009

warm heart

My job at bookstore is done because the bookstore slows down. I'm very excited cause I have time to read more. I went to see my friend doctor Chirstine and talked about slang such as curse words or something else. During our conversation, a black boy came in and Chirstine introduce me to him. He was so sweet and told me a little bit. He said some people always say "one" to others when they wanna leave. I guess that word has the same meaning like " take care"or "see you later".He asked me if I went to new york. Absolutely not ...Then he picturing new york to me that makes me excited. Later, I talked with Chirstine what is " chatterbox" or "nosey"It was my first time to see these two words. Whatever my English is good enough or not, I'm improving step by step.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Such a raning day

Today the weather is so bad. I went to school around eight o'clock,but when I got there there is no one...Then I went back home. About eleven, I went to school again for my biology class. Today is the first class of biology, and the teacher gave us a lot of tasks..My god, so many...The class lasted almost three hours that made me very tired. These days I always help at bookstore, so I didn't have time to do homework. I have to go to bed late. Even though the biology is not easy to handle, it's very intersting anyway. I'm happy to know something about lives in the world.That is all^^

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

True life starts

I don't know how to decribe my thoughts today. I don't think I have enough confidence in my accounting class. Last semester, I got A in that class,but the teacher of this semester speaks so fast and it's hard to follow up. So I have to read again and again after class. I cannot relax. For me, college life is just like high school that makes me stressful. Although it's hard and busy everyday, I like it anyway. Whatever the result is, I just want to try my best to do everything.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Today is 26th

It's a pretty busy day for me.I got up six o'clock in the morning and my english class started from eight. After the english class, my math class begun. I was done about eleven and I went to work in the bookstore of the campus. A lot of students waited on a long, long,long line...I was just like a machine and pulling pulling pulling all the time. Around six, I went back home and it was my first time to drive at night because I just got license a week ago. I felt a little nervers. After I got home, immediately ate dinner and did homework. It's hard for me, but it's so rich^^

Friday, January 23, 2009

tomorrow is another day

Today I opened my first blog...happy~happy~^_^