Thursday, April 30, 2009

5Things Men Really Find Romantic ( 5)

Show Interest in His Outside Life
We live in a fast-paced world, and we all know it's easy enough to get wrapped up in our own routines. But finding ways to let a man know you care about all aspects of his life, not just the parts he shares with you, is a great way to show you love the whole man. Shoot him a few well-directed questions about work to help him unwind, surprise him with a book relating to a hobby, track down a website that deals with some problem he's having -- all are touching gestures I guarantee will be well received.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Is it possible for a guy to be too nice?

Here are two ways that this could ring true:
1: He's So Nice, He Can Only Be a Friend
Hey, a good friend is hard to find. What sometimes happens when we get into a relationship? It eventually runs its course and ends, which means awkwardness and/or change in both of you, since you started off as friends. Maybe you can recover and remain buddies, but is it worth the risk if you find that you're really good friends with a nice guy? Also, sometimes the nice guy just has no edge, so he's destined to be just a friend.
2: He's So Nice, He's Not Challenging Enough
I've recently learned from your comments: Women enjoy the thrill of the chase a bit too much. People like to wonder what's going to happen, that nerve-racking first few months when the "training wheels" are still on the relationship. And, no matter how much we try to deny it, we do like that we've won someone over instead of just having them give themselves up to us. If a guy is too easy, he may be ruining his chances.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

5 Things Men Really Find Romantic(4)

Tell Him a Secret
Men want to be soul mates, too. Telling him a secret -- symbolically letting him deeper inside you -- demonstrates total trust in him and faith in your relationship. Because you're making yourself vulnerable, it's an incredible bonding experience. What works just as well: Encourage him to tell you a secret or two. And don't laugh.
Show Interest in His Outside Life
We live in a fast-paced world, and we all know it's easy enough to get wrapped up in our own routines. But finding ways to let a man know you care about all aspects of his life, not just the parts he shares with you, is a great way to show you love the whole man. Shoot him a few well-directed questions about work to help him unwind, surprise him with a book relating to a hobby, track down a website that deals with some problem he's having -- all are touching gestures I guarantee will be well received.

Monday, April 27, 2009

my best experience in the first year of college

Today i talked with the dean of the acdamic advesing department. I forgot her name, should be Mureen or something. She wants to do a reserch about the difference between american students and foreign students. She interviewed another guy and me, and we was about to talk this: my best experience in first year of college. I do like the first year at occ, even though i don't really like the two-year college as i said before because the two-year college is so different from 4-year college. Two-year college isn't so diversity like 4 year college is and it doesn't have some acdamic feelings. But anyway, i've experienced a lot of good things here. The very important thing is that i get a lot of different information from different classes. That makes me more knowlegous especially english class, even though it's a little hard for me, i really enjoy it. It gives me a lot of fun and some new ideas that i never had before, and that opened my mind. Another thing is that i'm really thankful to my english tutor, and she helps a lot. The whole year, when I have writing assignment we work on it, if i don't have one, we just talk and do some vocabulary practic and oral. I'm more confident.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

5 Things Men Really Find Romantic(3)

Tell Him What a Big, Strong Guy He Is
We men are famously incompetent at expressing ourselves verbally... but that doesn't mean we don't appreciate hearing a little praise now and then. In particular, we draw a lot of our identity from our maleness. Nurturing our big-ape fantasies -- me Tarzan, you Jane -- lets us know you value us as males, which is somehow important to the continued production of testosterone.
A quick insight into men: We all want to be heroes. Remembering to compliment your mate on being a great partner isn't always easy in the middle of a busy day, but it's a quick shortcut to making him feel wanted, needed, and loved, which is of course the ultimate point of any romantic gesture. And this positive reinforcement of your mate's good behavior will yield big dividends later, as he subconsciously tries to live up to your glowing appraisal.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

5 Things Men Really Find Romantic(2)

Initiate Physical Affection
Whether you're playing footsie under the table or placing a hand on our shoulders while scooting behind our chairs, men find the touch of the woman they love unbelievably reassuring. In our treasured nonverbal language, it translates as: "I accept you... I love you... We're a team."
#3. Give Him a Night Out with the Boys -- No Strings Attached
It may seem odd to you that a romantic gesture might not involve you at all. But dogs run with dogs, wolves run with wolves, and every so often, guys just have to break away and run with the guys (drooling and howling optional).

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

5 Things Men Really Find Romantic (1)

Dress Up for Him
"Consider dressing for his tastes and not just yours once in a while," says Barbara De Angelis, Ph.D., author of "Secrets About Men Every Woman Should Know." "Take him shopping and have him choose outfits he would like to see you in."
Remember, you're doing this for him, not for you. And, as psychologist Ronald Goldstein, Ph.D., a marriage counselor in Newtown, Pennsylvania, explains: "Women should keep in mind that men are visually oriented." Trust me, men find it very romantic when you step wholeheartedly into our debauched little fantasy worlds. If we're hard-wired to be turned on by visual cues, why not indulge us -- and use it to your advantage?