Monday, April 27, 2009

my best experience in the first year of college

Today i talked with the dean of the acdamic advesing department. I forgot her name, should be Mureen or something. She wants to do a reserch about the difference between american students and foreign students. She interviewed another guy and me, and we was about to talk this: my best experience in first year of college. I do like the first year at occ, even though i don't really like the two-year college as i said before because the two-year college is so different from 4-year college. Two-year college isn't so diversity like 4 year college is and it doesn't have some acdamic feelings. But anyway, i've experienced a lot of good things here. The very important thing is that i get a lot of different information from different classes. That makes me more knowlegous especially english class, even though it's a little hard for me, i really enjoy it. It gives me a lot of fun and some new ideas that i never had before, and that opened my mind. Another thing is that i'm really thankful to my english tutor, and she helps a lot. The whole year, when I have writing assignment we work on it, if i don't have one, we just talk and do some vocabulary practic and oral. I'm more confident.

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