Saturday, April 4, 2009

first day

my friend sent me a gift, Billy Collins newest peotry anthology.
i really love it and read many the whole day. this is my favorite one:

What love does

A fine thing, or so it sounds
on the radio in the summer
with all the windows rolled down

Yet it pierces not only the heart
but the eyeball and the scrotum
and the little target of the nipple with arrows

It turns everything into a symbol
like a storm that breaks loose
in the final chapter of a long novel

And it may add sparkle to a morning
or deepen a night
when the bed is ringed with fire

It teaches you new joys
and new maneuvers--
the takedown, the reversal,the escape

But mostly it comes and goes
a bee visiting the center
of one flower, then another

Even as the ink is drying
on her name, it is off
to visit someone in another city

a city with two steeples
rows of brick chimney pots
and a school with a tree-lined entrance

It will travel through the night to get there
and it will arrival like an archangel
through an iron gate no one ever seemed to notice before.

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