Saturday, April 11, 2009

essay in text book

I don't really like this text book, I don't know why maybe just because there are too many strange words to me those I never seen in my life. But there indeed are many interesting essays there. When I read it, I feel I really open my eyes. But no matter how I like this book, there are still have some articles those I don't like it. For instance, the essay" On immortality", the whold eassy talk about the longevity. How the author doesn't like the longevity or many study prove longevity is not good or blah, blah, blah...They call on the live should be heathy and quality. Yea, I agree. But some people they do like to live long, why those guys try to prove longeivity is not right? Each person has his own understanding of life, and everyone has different choice. We might not change other's mind, and we just do ourselves.

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