Friday, March 6, 2009

Something is annoying me lately

If I must tell you what makes me annoyed, I will say English. That is true. One day I told my friend,who is a english literature doctor, I hate essays. She said,"oh, come on stop" I know she likes essays very much. But for me, those are crazy things. I was a good writer in Chinese, but I cannot express me very well in English. I hate that. Also, driving is annoying me a lot. Yes, I am a new driver and I'm usually crazy on the road. I don't have enough experiences of driving, that's why when I am changing my lane, I cannot tell if the car behind me let me go or not. The third thing that annoys me is that I met a swellhead in my club, and I can't stand him. I think the megalomaniac differs from the narcissist by the fact that he wishes to be powerful rather than charming, and seeks to be feared rather than loved. I mean you can think youself is smarter than any others, but just don't cut a wide swath like a jerk. That's really troublesome.

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