Thursday, March 12, 2009

Upcoming Spring Break

I'm really looking forward to the upcoming spring break. I haven't felt good for a long time and I think I really need some time to relax the pressure. Due to the traditional chinese medicine theory, I know I'm getting internal heat right now because of some clinical symptoms. I have colds and influenza, headache, dry throat. I guess there must be a big fire in my body that makes me feel so bad. I do need the spring break and peace myself and reschedule something. I don't know what i will do in the spring break, maybe i will travel somewhere with my parents or just get enough sleep everyday...I really don't know, but I do need the ten days. That is very important to me, otherwise I will die soon..:grin: If I have a choice, I wanna go to the yellow stone. I heard that it's a very beautiful state park, and I wanna go there to satisfy my curiosity

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