Thursday, February 26, 2009

Elementary Education

When I worked at OCC bookstore, I found that many many students came to buy textbooks for elementary algebra, the very basic class. I saw the OCC website, it says this kind of class is non-credit class and it's developing education like English 091 and 095. I don't why in America, the elementary subjects are so weak. May be people cared more about bringing up their personality when they were young. My friends, who are in Master degree at Yale University, told me that when they did the teacher assistants for physics and chemistry, they found a lot of sophomore students cannot do well in the basic classes. A few days ago, I saw the viking news that said this campus really need math assistant in classroom or peer tutor to help students pass the math elementary classes easily. I really worry about American's elementary Education. The only advantage is that people could open their mind really well.Many people say American students have the most ideas. Yes, I agree. I find in my english class, students can tosse around a number of ideas. That's very good. There is a example, one girl who was from HongKong, she said one day I didn't pay attention what professor said in class, so when the professor let her answer the question, she had to make up even she didn't know what she were talking about. After she was done, the professor said" good,very good,even though I don't know what you are saying..." Laugh...I mean it's good because professor give students more respect or encourage, but i do think in searching after truth,a scientific skepticism must be maintained

1 comment:

  1. Math is a real concern in the college setting - especially in a two-year college. It's like we have it on our heads that it's "hard," so we don't push it as much - like we EXPECT students to fail. Sad, no?
