Friday, February 13, 2009

my most fun from my English writing

This semester is my second semester as a full time student. Last semester, I took English 095 that gave me a lot of trouble at the beginning. I had many language problem even now, so writing assginment to me is really hard. I was afraid when every assginment came. But even though I hate it, I got most fun in my last paper. The last paper was a kind of primary reserach paper, and we spent half a month preparing that. Also, we debated in class that's my first debate since I came to America. The teacher put us into groups and let us work together and figure out who was the points of our topics. I did really like it. I still remember our topic is "Whose's policy is better on health care, Obama or Maccain?" I searched the internet and found a lot of relative articles. Then I wrote outlines and opening remarks and closing remarks. I really enjoyed it and I love to work with other people. I did try my best to do it and eventually the teacher gave me A-. Even though I felt so depressed at the beginning, it still deserved. I'm proud of it.

1 comment:

  1. I'd be proud of an "A-" too. English is so hard for students to learn - especially if that student speaks another language at home. But based on your writing, I think you're in pretty good shape. And I know you go to the Writing Lab on a regular basis, so that helps too.
