Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Different colour repersents different mood.
Joy comes from deep within and we all need joy-the orange energy helps bring out this joy. The orange colour has the love from the red and the wisdom from yellow. It helps expand one's horizen and create new ideas. If our spleen chakra is in balance we are able to enjoy our existance-take life as it is without asking for more than we can handle. Children always have fine orange energy. They have the ability to enjoy themselves spontaneously and enjoy their play. If you have too much red in your orange, this may make you angry and inconsiderate. Too much yellow in your orange may make you querulous and impossible to live with. You may have a nervous stomach if you cannot control your feelings. But if there is an excess of orange, one is easily affected by what other people feel or mean. One forget to be oneself in a wish to satisfy other people.


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